Maarjavälja career day 2023
On 9th of February the annual Maarjavälja career day 2023 took place. The career day is organized by Faculty of Science and Technology of University of Tartu. The event brings together companies and students from fields of chemistry, physics, genomics, molecular and cell biology etc. Hence, for students this is a perfect opportunity to meet their future internship and career possibilities. TBD Pharmatech participated in the career day to introduce the opportunities for students specializing in chemistry. As a one of a kind company in Estonia developing and producing API-s working at TBD Pharmatech is an unique option to start your career as a RnD chemist.
As the Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology Leho Ainsaar stated in the opening speech, universities do grow individuals with the ability to think. However, universities are not applied higher education providers, therefore the role of actual practice is needed in order to create real specialists. This is the role of companies, according to Dean Ainsaar. He says the companies should be the ones providing development opportunities to the students who have gathered broad general knowledge from university studies.
TBD Pharmatech is happy to contribute to shaping future chemists. For that reason we have prepared some internship spots for the upcoming summer. Check our careers page for the application form and make sure to submit it before 2nd of April!
Some general information about Maarjavälja career day can be found here and an article about this year’s Maarjavälja career day here.