• <strong>TBD Pharmatech’s Disc Golf Adventure: A Tale of Teamwork</strong>

    TBD Pharmatech’s Disc Golf Adventure: A Tale of Teamwork

    First Foray into Disc Golf In September last year, TBD Pharmatech plunged into the unfamiliar world of disc golf. Our debut team – Sander Kotkas, Jürgen Vahter, and Merle Muruvee – represented us at Ettevõtete Discgolf 10.0. We secured the 14th place among 50 competitive teams. In the individual putting competition, Sander emerged as a close second out of 80 participants. Embracing Teamwork The event highlighted the importance of teamwork in our company. As a team, we learned to navigate unchartered waters. We thrived in this high-pressure environment, just like our everyday work at TBD Pharmatech. This experience strengthened our

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  • Project: Drug substance development for pain reduction

    The project aims to develop a new, more effective technology for synthesizing an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for a drug used primarily as a pain reliever for moderate to severe pain. The API is used in both human and veterinary pharmaceuticals. Its current uses include treatment for migraines, post-surgery pain relief, and chronic pain relief. The project budget is 249 208 EUR, of which 60% is co-financed by the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency. Project period: from January 1st to August 31th 2023.

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