Chemistry students getting to know career opportunities
On 28th of November TÜKS aka Tartu Ülikooli Keemiaüliõpilaste Selts (University of Tartu Chemistry Students’ Association) paid a visit to TBD Pharmatech. Students were interested in getting acquainted to TBD’s everyday work and therefore getting a better look at chemist’s career opportunities.
The visit started with an introduction to TBD. Our chemist-project manager Jürgen Vahter introduced the history, field of activity, projects and the company in general to the students. The presentation was followed by a tour in quality control laboratory with head of QC Yauheni Yulin. The last stop was at our largest production room together with head of manufacturing Ivan Ogibalov. The students were very thankful and found the visit enlightening.
TBD Pharmatech started as a spin-off company of University of Tartu. Many of our former and current employees have discovered their passion for chemistry when studying at Institute of Chemistry. Thus we are closely connected to Alma mater Tartuensis and always happy to contribute to it’s being! Especially when it comes to introducing greenie chemists their future career options!
All of TBD’s current open positions can always be found at our Careers page. Lately we have also offered a sneak peek into RnD chemist’s workday via job shadowing opportunities for high school students, read more about it from a previous blog post.
More about University of Tartu Chemistry Students’ Association: